I followed the instructions to convert a Selenium script to Neoload User Path with Design mode (https://www.neotys.com/documents/doc/neoload/latest/en/ht...).
Here are the lines added to my script (Maven/TestNG) :
final String projectPath = "D:\\Projets_Neoload\\ProjetTest\\ProjetTest.nlp";
webDriver = new ChromeDriver(addProxyCapabilitiesIfNecessary(new DesiredCapabilities()));
driver = NLWebDriverFactory.newNLWebDriver(webDriver, "SeleniumUserPath", projectPath);
I run the script with Maven on a Neoload injector :
mvn -Dnl.selenium.proxy.mode=Design -Dnl.design.api.url=http://localhost:7400/Design/v1/Service.svc/ -Dtest=* clean test
The test runs well, but nothing is created in Neoload.
Does the Neolaod project or an empty User Path must be manually created before? (I tried but id does not change anything)
Is something must be started before the run ? (I'm not familiar with Neoload API)
Thank you.