I have total of 5 scripts with a total target VU load to be injected with 66 VU.
We are using 3 cloud LGs.
The User Path Distribution per script are as follows S1 (26VU) and S2 to S5 having 10 VU each script.
Query1: How the scripts will be distributed across LGs?
(my understanding, all the scripts will be copied to all 3 LGs)
Query2: How the VU will be distributed to each LG?
(my understanding, equal distribution across LGs i.e. each LGs will be assigned with 22 VU.)
Query3: How the VU will be injected to each script per LG during the runtime?
(Does it follow equal distribution here as well e.g. Let LG1 will be spawning the load in following way
LG1 -> S1 (6VU) | S2 to S5 (4VU each script)?